Here's the latest from the oven, a still hot loaf of Frank's Bread. (If Frank gives me permission, I will post the recipe here.) It is everything Frank said it would be... eat a slice or two and you'll be climbing up and down the river bank or chasing elk or deer all over the place without even breathing hard! Yummy for the tummy!
Thanks Frank (And, is it OK to put the recipe here?)
Frank said YES! So here it is Folks..
Franks Jalapeno Bread [ Heart Healthy ]
4 cups white flour
2 cups wheat flour
6 level teaspoons of gluten ( one per cup of flour if you shorten the receipe.)
½ cup of either Oat bran or other bran
1 cup cracked wheat or stone ground oats
½ cup flax seed meal
1 cup chopped Jalapeno peppers
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sugar
1 cup of cranberry raisens ( or chopped walnuts or both)
--mix these dry ingredients in a large bowl ---
Then take;
3 cups water
2 tablespoons of Smart Balance butter substitute
--With these two ingredients put them in a separtate bowl and put into the oven at lowest temperature until the butter substitute melts and the water is warm.
While the water is warming, put three packs of Fleischmanns RapidRise yeast in a quarter cup of tepid water, stir with spoon. The yeast will foam up to top of cup about when your water is warm.
--- Then when the water is warm and the butter substitute is melted, pour the water into the big bowl of dry mixture above, and also add the yeast to the water. Then mix with a wooden spoon until all ingredients are sticky. Dump out on a lightly floured board or counter, and kneed with your hands a few minutes until slightly springy to touch. Then put entire ball of dough into a bowl and let rise for 30 minutes. Then after that, knead the dough again a couple of minutes, shape into four round balls, put two round dough balls onto a greased cookie sheet, and let them again rise for another 30 minutes. [ You can use conventional bread pans too, makes no difference but remember to grease the bread pans.] After the second rising they are ready to bake – AND – you bake them in the oven for 35 minutes at 350 degrees. – While they are baking, or the first two loaves, I usually take about three tablespoons of Olive oil,put it in a cup with diced garlic cloves mixed in with the Olive oil, and after the bread has been baking for 15 minutes, with a basters brush, baste the top of the bread with the Olive oil so it won’t get too stiff and hard. It works great and it smells delicious.
NOTE: I use the Gold Medal flour in the Yellow Bag that says best for making bread.
ALSO: This is a basic bread receipe, and you can substitue Rye for some of the flour ingredients, sprinkle in a little dill seeds, leave out the nuts etc, and experiment with herbs and or garlic etc, to your own special taste.
NOTE; I use no diary products, no milk, very little sugar. Notice the flax seed meal, the walnuts, the cranberry raisens, the jalapeno peppers, the wheat, Oats and bran, all good for the arteries, blood, high in Omega 3’s, low in sugars to keep Tryglicerides down, but with enough natural energy to keep you hiking several miles in the woods with a day pack or keep you warm on the river bank while fishing. If you like this bread and its ingredients you will snub your nose at the stuff on the store shelves and always have the material on hand to make up a batch. I make four loaves at a time and keep it in the freezer, use as needed.
Good Luck and Happy Bread Making and Happy Hiking and Fishing too.
@ 2002, Frank S.Tapley